One Size Fits Most

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

No chemo for you today, Mr Low White Count!!

He was just dancin a jig when they told him he couldnt have his treatment
today. Its not like he got off on good behavior or anything.
He does appear to be feeling well, but what we dont need is for him to get
septic and end up in the hospital with some funky infection.

Summer is almost over. The kids start school on Monday. In lieu of
uniforms the school system has decided to tighten up the school dress code.
I can see this being a great big thorn in my side. Some of the rules are
concrete, such as you have to wear a belt if your pants have belt loops.
You must tuck in your shirt. However, the length of shorts is open to
interpretation, as is "no shower shoes." So do Crocs count as shower shoes?
What about Birkenstocks?? Ok if we are going to have some rules, make them
concrete and all interpret them the same.

The mini-honeymoon is now over, as I have more Mt Laundry to climb.


At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school system went to uniforms right after I left. I wish they had that when I was in school. I kind of wish they had that at work now. I hate picking out clothes. I'm too indecisive.


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