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Friday, January 28, 2005

For What its Worth

I was reading a book about a boy who collects pennies. I thought to myself, who would want to collect pennies? They are annoying. They make my purse heavy and they are dirty. But if you look closely at a penny, there is a message. Right on the top of the Lincoln side. It says "In God We Trust." Now I'm not trying to get into a political discussion about whether our country was founded on christian principles, so chill out. But it could be a reminder for us all to trust in God, in everything, even the littlest thing. After all, the Bible says he knows the # of hairs on our heads. He created each and every one of us individually. And he wants more than anything for us to have a relationship with Him and totally trust in Him. So the next time you see a penny, let it remind you to trust even in the little things. The things that weigh you down, take up space in your life. Be thankful you have a penny. Some people dont have any. If you have one, its because you have a job, or because someone gave it to you.
Ok, I'm off the pulpit now. Thoughts, comments, editorials?


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