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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Read a really great book!

Ok, this is why I never read books...when I get a good one I cant put it down. I read this one in 2 days. And the only reason it took that long was that I had to work and sleep. This book is The Next Big Thing by Johanna Edwards . Its set in Memphis (!) and is about a curvy chick who gets the guy!! Woo Hoo!! I was reading it while riding the bike at the Rec Center and laughed out loud!! It was cool to have it set in Memphis, she mentions some sites in her book. The main character Kat (rhymes with FAT) goes on a reality show called From Fat to Fabulous.
Which brings me to my next subject....why do men lose weight faster than women?? I've lost 7.6 pounds on WW (go me!) and Big Daddy has lost 10 WITHOUT EVEN TRYING OR COUNTING POINTS it just aint fair. Oh well I am happy really but it just aint fair.
Another thing that just aint fair....he's going to the beach for 5 days and I'm stuck at home with the kids. No, really he is going to Middle School camp with church and I'm going to stay home and work and keep the kids....I wouldnt trade places with him. Thats ok me and the kids are going to "party" (read: eat cereal for supper) while Big Daddy is away. What, you think I'm actually gonna COOK? NOT!
Saw Monster in Law with my Sister in Law last night (and we NEVER do anything together). It was funny and let me tell you Jane F. is looking old. WAAAY too many closeups.


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